Thursday, June 30, 2011

From the Runways to Your Incissors

Ladies, I know you've been waiting for this. The must-have accessory is here. Previously, I have not opted for colored elastics (orms as we "in the know" call them). Until now, I simply went with silver – the "nude" of elastics. This time I went with teal. It's my summer look.

You'll be delighted to know when you select your color, they present a little palette with the options. My concerns: a color that mimicked trapped food in your teeth. Forrest green? No, sir!

What color should I get next? I'm considering a pattern. Rainbow? What should I get?

Monday, June 20, 2011

False Alarm

My surgeon suggested that rather than an infection, my braces may have just seriously irritated the tissue in my mouth causing swelling. I have noticed that my cheeks can rub a bracket and get raw/sore. Alcohol can make it worse. Well, that's one more reason to give up drinking. 45 more reasons and I'm finished!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Check-in #1 Post Infection

My smile is infectious infected. Specifically, my jaw. It's weird for me to have gotten an infection two weeks after surgery after seemingly being out of the woods. So, Dr. Kaban ordered x-rays to make sure I didn't fracture my jaw. Fracture my jaw? How is that even possible. Cut to...

[Ack, ok I asked for the x-ray on my thumb drive, but it didn't work. I'll get the picture which depicts A HUGE HOLE IN MY JAW.]

I'm on a course of penicillin. Let the lack of drinking and irregular bowel movements begin.

Monday, June 6, 2011


My extraction was more than two weeks ago and everything went well – holes closed. So this was a surprise. They said after the extraction that I was at risk for an infection because the tooth was so deep and the procedure more complicated. At the time they gave me a course of antibiotics as a precaution.

I woke up this morning to a swollen face and bulge in my jaw. I called Dr. Kaban's office from work and they told me to come in right away.

Anyway, I'm back on antibiotics and need to keep a close eye on things. They prescribed exercises to help me get my jaw to open more. For a more detailed medical explanation of this, please consult this not-too-technical and inspirational video.